Volume 2 No. 1 | January 5, 2022
No published opinions this week.
The Supreme Court of Oklahoma Court Calendar
The Supreme Court of Oklahoma is in session year round, unless otherwise noted. The Court regularly schedules conferences on Mondays and other days as needed.
2022 Interest Rates: In accordance with 12 O.S. 2013 Supp. §727.1 (I), the postjudgment interest rate to be charged on judgments for calendar year 2022 shall be 5.25 percent. Also, the prejudgment interest rate for calendar year 2022 shall be 0.03 percent (applicable to actions filed on or after January 1, 2010). These interest rates will be in effect from January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022.
The Administrative Office of the Courts issues its notice of the interests rates applicable to judgments annually, and the notices appear in the legal research section of OSCN. The notice for calendar year 2022 also appears in the legal research section.
They say these things come in threes. Although newly sworn in OBA President James “Jim” R. Hicks did not anticipate his leadership year would be defined by the search for a new association executive director, here he is. With John Morris Williams’ announced retirement at the end of 2022, Mr. Hicks said input will be sought from as many members as possible as part of the search process. He’s up to the challenge. Turns out he’s been in a similar position twice before. Read more in the feature article in the January edition of The Oklahoma Bar Journal ...
"Being involved in the bar association shows you’re involved in a profession, more than just showing up at your office to do your job every day. It’s not just you. There’s a whole statewide organization trying to make us better.”
Pressing legal issues. Favorite member benefits. Ways to beat stress. Goals for their service as part of the OBA leadership.
Get to know your OBA leadership in the "Volunteers Who Lead Your Association" article in the January Oklahoma Bar Journal. Find out who would be an art gallery owner, park ranger, veterinarian or storm chaser if they weren't a lawyer. Add to your book list for the year, and learn the leadership goals of each officer and board member.
What is your most important goal during your service on the OBA Board of Governors?
"My first goal is to find an outstanding replacement for our retiring Executor Director John Morris Williams. He will be hard to replace. During my year as president, I plan on holding Board of Governor meetings throughout the state of Oklahoma. I want the attorneys of Oklahoma to have an opportunity to meet the new executive director. I also want to allow the Board of Governors to show bar members that we want to meet with them, get to know them and want to listen to their thoughts and concerns." – Brian T. Hermanson, President-Elect
What is the biggest challenge facing the legal profession?
Diversity and attracting and retaining talent. – Kara I. Smith, Governor - At Large
What is something you wish you knew about practicing law before you entered the profession?
"Time management is crucial. Work can take over your life if you allow it to do so. I believe in the saying, work to live rather than live to work." – Alyson E. Dow, Governor - District 5, Norman
Read more about 2022 leadership ...
Read Executive Director John Morris Williams' monthly column ...
OBA Officers and New Board Members Take Oaths Jan. 14
Swearing-in Ceremony Will Be Virtual
Oklahoma Supreme Court Chief Justice Richard Darby will swear in James R. Hicks of Tulsa as OBA president on Friday, Jan. 14. New officers to be administered their oaths of office will be Vice President Miles T. Pringle of Oklahoma City, President-Elect Brian T. Hermanson of Ponca City and Past President Michael C. Mordy of Ardmore. New board members to be sworn in are S. Shea Bracken, Edmond; Dustin E. Conner, Enid; Allyson E. Dow, Norman; Angela Ailles Bahm, Oklahoma City; and Dylan D. Erwin, Oklahoma City. The ceremony will be remote and available to watch online, with details to be announced next week.
Applicants to February Bar Exam
The Oklahoma Rules of Professional Conduct impose on each member of the bar the duty to aid in guarding against the admission of candidates unfit or unqualified because of deficiency in either moral character or education. To aid in that duty, please view the list of applicants for the bar examination to be given Feb. 22-23, 2022.
Clients' Security Fund Reimbursement
The Oklahoma Bar Association’s Clients’ Security Fund will pay $176,509.38 to 19 people who lost money or other property from the death or dishonest conduct of their attorney. The association is reimbursing money to the clients of eight deceased, suspended or former lawyers whose actions led to the losses. Read more ...
Cybersecurity Tips from the Late Betty White
As the world mourns the passing of Betty White, we share this great short video of her praising the merits of multi-factor authentication. Even in 2016 when she participated in World Password Day, she imparted a timeless call to action in her special style that will always make us smile.
Take Betty's advice. "You need to protect yourself with something called multi-factor authentication. I know this sounds like some new-fangled idea that will be out faster than the beehive hairdo ... but listen to someone who has a little experience ..."