No published opinions this week.
No published opinions this week.
The Supreme Court of Oklahoma Court Calendar
The Supreme Court of Oklahoma is in session year round, unless otherwise noted. The Court regularly schedules conferences on Mondays and other days as needed.
So, how is your life? Do you get up in the morning full of anticipation for the day? Do you feel challenged intellectually? Do you feel as if you are accomplishing important work in society? Is what you do important to you? ...Increasingly, lawyers across the country are answering these questions with a resounding, “No!”
Law Day is your opportunity to advance public understanding of the law while helping your community. How can you get involved? Volunteers are needed for shifts to answer calls as part of Ask A Lawyer. Your time commitment is two hours between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. on April 28.
For Oklahoma County volunteers:
- Contact Connie Resar
Call: 405-236-8421
For Tulsa County volunteers:
- Contact Dan Crawford
Call: 918-240-7331
Email: or
Other counties:
A lot has changed in Oklahoma since the OBA Family Law Section offered this course 15 years ago. The updated version includes sessions on treatment and reunification, medical marijuana laws, ethical duties, forming a medical marijuana business, drug testing, addiction and an impaired driving simulation. The course offers seven hours of CLE credit and will be held at the Oklahoma Bar Center or online April 20.
By Jim Calloway, OBA Management Assistance Program director
Lawyers today carry around much client data on their mobile devices. So, mobile device security is extremely important. Some of the greater flexibility of Android devices also exposes them to different types of risks. New threats continue to emerge. John W. Simek, vice president of Sensei Enterprises, shares how to Improve Android Phone Security in Five Easy Steps. These best practices will greatly reduce your risk of a data breach on your phone.
John and his wife, Sharon Nelson, will be teaching a CLE program, "An Ethical Cybersecurity Playbook for Your Law Firm," at the OBA Solo & Small Firm Conference this summer. Why not register for the conference and reserve your room today? More details are on the conference website.