No published opinions this week.
- 2022 OK CR 14: REYNOLDS v. STATE
No published opinions this week.
Dispositions Other than by Published Opinions
The Supreme Court of Oklahoma Court Calendar
The Supreme Court of Oklahoma is in session year round, unless otherwise noted. The Court regularly schedules conferences on Mondays and other days as needed.

This year's Women in Law Conference features an excellent lineup of speakers, including Lilly Ledbetter, in whose name the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was passed in 2009. Attendees will also hear from a panel of Oklahoma judges, as well as Dean Katheleen Guzman, OU College of Law; Professor Sarah Cravens, TU College of Law; and attorneys Rhiannon Baker, Stacy Acord and Katherine Mazaheri. This year's Mona Salyer Lambird Spotlight Award winners will be recognized during the event luncheon. Attendees will receive six credit hours, including one hour of ethics, on a variety of topics of interest to all Oklahoma lawyers. Register online now or contact Renee Montgomery to purchase additional luncheon tickets.
The August Oklahoma Bar Journal features several articles reflecting the Civil Procedure theme. Flip through the pages online in the interactive digital edition.
Timothy F. Campbell authored the article "Discovery Simplified: How the Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act Can Save You and Your Client Time and Money:"
"With the adoption of the Uniform Deposition and Discovery Act (UIDDA), practitioners in other states can now issue both document and deposition subpoenas in Oklahoma with relative ease. If your practice involves assisting Oklahoma clients with subpoena compliance, it is likely you will eventually see an Oklahoma subpoena issued in connection with an action pending in another state. So long as the subpoena in question complies with Oklahoma’s version of the UIDDA, it is a valid and enforceable subpoena."
LASO’s (Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma) Parent Representation Defense Program is the first program in Oklahoma to provide interdisciplinary parent defense. Parents receive a highly trained attorney, a master’s-level social worker and a parent mentor to defend them and help them navigate the child welfare and court systems. Two decades of research show children reunify months sooner when their parents are represented by an interdisciplinary team, saving tens of millions of dollars in foster care costs. READ MORE by Tulsa lawyer Gwendolyn Clegg.
This year's Legislative Debrief is your opportunity to stay abreast of recent changes in the law that could affect your legal practice. This event, beginning at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 11, is approved for 2.5 hours of MCLE. If you plan to attend this event in person in person at the Oklahoma Bar Center, please RSVP to Alisha Davidson; (405) 416-7014.
The program will also be simulcast free of charge. Register now to view the program online.
Service to the community is true professionalism, and it's the overarching goal of the OBA Young Lawyers Division. All OBA members in good standing who were admitted to the practice of law 10 years ago or less are members of the OBA YLD and are encouraged to apply for the YLD Board of Directors. Click here to learn more about this year's election season.
Article 5 of the division bylaws requires that any eligible member wishing to run for office must submit a nominating petition to the Nominating Committee. The petition must be signed by at least 10 members of the OBA YLD and must be submitted by Friday, Aug. 12, 2022, at 5 p.m. A separate petition must be filed for each opening, except a petition for a directorship shall be valid for one-year and two-year terms and at-large positions. A person must be eligible for division membership for the entire term for which elected.
Nominating petitions, accompanied by a photo and bio of 350 words or less for publication in the Oklahoma Bar Journal, must be sent to no later than 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 12. Results of the election will be announced at the YLD meeting at the OBA Annual Meeting Nov. 2 - 4 in Oklahoma City.
Featured CLE
By Jim Calloway, OBA Management Assistance Program Director
Chrome is the most popular and widely used browser. Tessa Davis is an educator who regularly posts technology tips on Twitter. Her most recent offering is “10 simple Chrome Tips that will blow your mind.”
Did you know if you have a video or audio file you want to play, you can drag and drop it into a tab in Chrome, and it will play? No setup or software installation required.
Did you know that if you are annoyed by a tab playing a sound, there is a very simple process to make that speaker icon on the tab a mute/unmute button going forward? (Seriously, every Chrome user should do this.)
Or did you know if you want to share a web page with an important section of text on the page, just highlight the section, right click and use “copy link to highlight” to create a link to that page which will go to the section and show the text you highlighted when your recipient opens the link?
That is only three of her Chrome tips. You can find them all by viewing the Twitter thread she started on this topic!