Volume 2 No. 3 | January 19, 2022


No published opinions this week.

The Supreme Court of Oklahoma Court Calendar

The Supreme Court of Oklahoma is in session year round, unless otherwise noted. The Court regularly schedules conferences on Mondays and other days as needed.

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New Leaders Sworn In

OBA President James R. "Jim" Hicks and other new officers and governors took their oath of office during a virtual swearing-in ceremony on Jan. 14. Supreme Court Chief Justice Richard Darby administered the oath and thanked everyone for their volunteer service.

“I am deeply honored and humbled to lead this organization and will do my best to bring empathy, compassion and loyalty to every member," said President Hicks.

In his inaugural address, he also said "every attorney's voice needs to be heard" as the OBA undergoes the process to hire a new executive director with the announced retirement of John Morris Williams at the end of this year.

New Officers and Board Members

  • President James R. "Jim" Hicks, Tulsa
  • Vice President Miles T. Pringle, Oklahoma City
  • President-Elect Brian T. Hermanson, Ponca City
  • Past President Michael C. Mordy, Ardmore
  • Angela Ailles Bahm, Oklahoma City, Member-at-Large
  • S. Shea Bracken, Edmond, Dist. 3
  • Dustin E. Conner, Enid, Dist. 4
  • Allyson E. Dow, Norman, Dist. 5
  • Dylan D. Erwin, Oklahoma City, YLD chair

Featured Continuing Legal Education

The ABA TECHSHOW Conference and EXPO, March 2-5, 2022, is where lawyers, legal professionals and technology all come together. Attendees, in person and online, will learn about useful and practical technologies available. Save $100 off standard registration by registering with code EP2205.

Alert the students and teachers you know. The deadline for entries to the annual Law Day Student Contest has been extended to Feb. 4.

"We want to ensure all Oklahoma students have the opportunity to participate ... Due to the challenges presented by the pandemic, more time will be offered this year to allow impacted teachers, parents and students to submit entries,” said Ed Wunch, chairperson, Law Day Committee.

Read more ... 

By Jim Calloway, director, Management Assistance Program 

Trial lawyers tend to spend more time dealing with e-Discovery issues than some other types of practices. But when you consider any business could be on the receiving end of an e-Discovery preservation letter at any time, e-Discovery is a good subject for all lawyers to know something about. Craig Ball has written a piece that is quite entertaining. It’s understandable to the e-Discovery novice while providing valuable insight on updates to the e-Discovery pros. For your reading pleasure, "A Dozen Nips and Tucks for e-Discovery."