No published opinions this week.
No published opinions this week.
No published opinions this week.
Dispositions Other than by Published Opinions
The Supreme Court of Oklahoma Court Calendar
The Supreme Court of Oklahoma is in session year round, unless otherwise noted. The Court regularly schedules conferences on Mondays and other days as needed.
Member Transitions
Bar Journal Returns Next Week!
The August edition of the Oklahoma Bar Journal goes live online next week. This issue will focus on the theme of Ethics & Professional Responsibilty, and it's packed with other important information related to jurisdiction in probate proceedings plus news and highlights from Law Day, the Membership Engagement and Legislative Monitoring committees and the Women in Law Section. Plus, there are photo highlights from the recent Solo & Small Firm Conference and the Sovereignty Symposium. Be on the lookout!
New Animal Law Section Seeks Leadership
The Animal Law Section has been newly created to promote and assist OBA members with studying and understanding the laws, regulations and court decisions dealing with the legal issues involving animals. It is also intended to provide a forum for members to consider, educate and discuss the legal issues involved in humanity's relationship and coexistence with animals. Any OBA member in good standing is eligible to join the section. Annual dues are $20. Register at Section leadership is forming now! Email Enid attorney Gary Maxey for more information.
Born in Chickasha in 1924, Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher was instrumental in changing Oklahoma's segregation laws so that she could achieve her lifelong ambition of becoming a lawyer. Her persistence opened the doors not only for herself but also for other Black students to attend law school in Oklahoma. She graduated from the OU College of Law in 1952. Her bold actions made her a key figure in the Civil Rights Movement.
In her honor, the OBA Diversity Committee proudly presents the Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher Diversity Awards every year at the OBA Annual Meeting to individuals and organizations that promote diversity and inclusion initiatives in our great state.
The nomination period for these awards will close Aug. 1. Make your nomination today and honor an attorney, member of the judiciary or organization that has demonstrated a commitment to resolving inequities and protecting civil and human rights.
The annual Legislative Debrief is an opportunity for OBA members to hear the latest updates on legislation that may impact your legal practice. This year's agenda will feature a legislative panel moderated by Administrative Director of the Courts Jari Askins as well as the always informative "60 Bills in 60 Minutes" session featuring updates on legislation impacting cannabis law, family law, criminal law, health law, civil procedure/courts and education bills. Cost: Free – 3 hours of MCLE credit is available. Be sure to have this event on your August calendar!
The Oklahoma Bar Journal is soliciting article submissions for our October, November and December issues. Topics for these issues are listed below. If you would like to share your knowledge on these topics, contact the editor for the corresponding month's issue.
OCTOBER: Access to Justice
Editor: Evan Taylor
NOVEMBER: Agricultural Law
Editor: David Youngblood
DECEMBER: Family Law
Editor: Sheila Southard
Featured CLE
By OBA MAP Director Jim Calloway
Lawyers in private practice will tell you that their professional lives revolve around their clients and taking care of client needs. But do the lawyers’ clients feel the same way? If they regularly must wait four or five days for a response to a request for information, they may not feel they are at the center of the lawyer’s universe. Now everyone gets busy and sometimes falls behind. But the law firm’s systems should be designed to assure responsiveness to client requests.
Promptly responding to client inquiries is an important element of serving clients appropriately. But there are other actions a law firm can take to become more client-centric.
"Five Ways to Become More Client-Centric" is a recent post from Catherine Reach, director of the North Carolina Bar Association Center for Practice Management. Review this list and pick one that you would like to initially focus on. Personally, I like preparing scripts for those who handle potential client intakes to make sure all the needed information is received and shared efficiently.
The Oklahoma Bar Journal is a publication of the Oklahoma Bar Association. All rights reserved. Copyright© 2023 Oklahoma Bar Association. Statements or opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Oklahoma Bar Association, its officers, Board of Governors, Board of Editors or staff. Although advertising copy is reviewed, no endorsement of any product or service offered by any advertisement is intended or implied by publication. Advertisers are solely responsible for the content of their ads, and the OBA reserves the right to edit or reject any advertising copy for any reason. Legal articles carried in The Oklahoma Bar Journal are selected by the Board of Editors. Information about submissions can be found at