No published opinions this week.
- 2022 OK CR 12: FORT v. STATE
- 2022 OK CR 13: HANCOCK v. STATE
Dispositions Other than by Published Opinions
The Supreme Court of Oklahoma Court Calendar
The Supreme Court of Oklahoma is in session year round, unless otherwise noted. The Court regularly schedules conferences on Mondays and other days as needed.

RSVP for the 2022 Legislative Debrief

This year's Legislative Debrief is your opportunity to stay abreast of recent changes in the law that could affect your legal practice. This event, beginning at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 11, is approved for 2.5 hours of MCLE. If you plan to attend this event in person, please RSVP to Alisha Davidson; (405) 416-7014.
The program will also be simulcast free of charge. Registration to view the program online will begin Aug. 1 through the OBA CLE registration at
Bar Journal Returns Next Week!

The Oklahoma Bar Journal returns next week after its annual two-month summer hiatus. The August 2022 issue will feature articles related to the topic of "Civil Procedure," including:
- Discovery Simplified: How the Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act Can Save You and Your Client Time and Money – By Timothy F. Campbell
- What is the OCPA and Why Should Attorneys Care About It? – By Kindra N. Dotson
- COVID-19 Deadline Extensions: What Litigators Need to Know – By Alexandra J. Gage
- Defending a Lawsuit With Your Best Foot Forward – By Melissa East
- Put it Plainly: How the Use of Plain Language Can Increase Equity and Procedural Fairness in Small Claims Eviction Proceedings – By Katie Dilks and Shandi Campbell
The interactive edition of the journal will be online Aug. 1, and printed issues will arrive in your homes and offices by mid-month.
A Special Announcement From the Sovereignty Symposium
The 35th annual Sovereignty Symposium will be held Sept. 7 at the Skirvin Hotel in Oklahoma City. The one-day symposium will begin at 8 a.m. and will serve as a replacement for the 2020 Sovereignty Symposium. This unique event will feature a special keynote speaker who will be announced later in the summer. There will also be panels on ethics by Justice John Reif and water law, moderated by John Hargrave. Register online at
Service to the community is true professionalism, and it's the overarching goal of the OBA Young Lawyers Division. All OBA members in good standing who were admitted to the practice of law 10 years ago or less are members of the OBA YLD and are encouraged to apply for the YLD Board of Directors. Click here to learn more about this year's election season.
Article 5 of the division bylaws requires that any eligible member wishing to run for office must submit a nominating petition to the Nominating Committee. The petition must be signed by at least 10 members of the OBA YLD and must be submitted by Friday, Aug. 12, 2022, at 5 p.m. A separate petition must be filed for each opening, except a petition for a directorship shall be valid for one-year and two-year terms and at-large positions. A person must be eligible for division membership for the entire term for which elected.
Nominating petitions, accompanied by a photo and bio of 350 words or less for publication in the Oklahoma Bar Journal, must be sent to no later than 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 12. Results of the election will be announced at the YLD meeting at the OBA Annual Meeting Nov. 2 - 4 in Oklahoma City.
County bars, take note! It's time to submit your local delegates to this year's House of Delegates during the Annual Meeting set for Nov. 2 - 4 at the Oklahoma City Convention Center. Click here for more information.
In accordance with OBA Bylaws, the House of Delegates shall be composed of at least one delegate or alternate from each county of the state, who shall be an active or senior member of the bar of such county. A PDF document is available online with the count of members per county and the corresponding number of delegates and alternates allowed for each county.
Contact Alisha Davidson for more information:
Featured CLE

Your LinkedIn Privacy Settings are Important
By Jim Calloway, OBA Management Assistance Program Director
Social media is about sharing your information and thoughts. So it may seem counterintuitive to be concerned about privacy where social media is concerned. But I recommend every lawyer with a LinkedIn account take a few minutes to read Wendi Weiner’s post on Above the Law: LinkedIn Privacy Settings To Consider Turning On (And Why They’re Important).
Here is one example where one might want to use the LinkedIn privacy mode:
“If you’re job searching, you may prefer to do so in private or stealth mode. This means that others will not see if you’ve viewed their profile. However, unless you are using LinkedIn Premium (LinkedIn’s paid service), LinkedIn will then preclude you from knowing who has viewed your profile if you’re in private mode.”
If you have a Linked account, it is important to understand these privacy tools and techniques.
LinkedIn users should also consider connecting with the OBA. It’s a great way to get updates and information about upcoming events and the Oklahoma legal community. Follow our page at