Vol. 3 No. 9 | March 1, 2023

No published opinions this week.
No published opinions this week.
Dispositions Other than by Published Opinions
The Supreme Court of Oklahoma Court Calendar
The Supreme Court of Oklahoma is in session year round, unless otherwise noted. The Court regularly schedules conferences on Mondays and other days as needed.

It’s that time of the year again! Mark your calendars now for June 22-24 when the OBA Solo & Small Firm Conference comes to the Osage Casino Hotel in Tulsa. Get all your MCLE (including 2 hours of ethics) for the year during this three-day event in a fun, relaxed and informal setting.
This year’s CLE offerings will include something for all solo and small firm practitioners, including more selections for younger lawyers. Plus, celebrate the summer! Satisfy your appetite at one of the restaurants, test your luck at the casino and relax by the pool, all without having to leave the comfort of the hotel.
Registration is now open. Visit the conference website for the complete schedule plus online conference and hotel registration. Be sure to register using the OBA hotel room block to receive the discounted room rate, which is available through May 21. You won’t want to miss out on this year’s great programs and events, so register today! The early-bird registration deadline is June 5.
The March Oklahoma Bar Journal focuses on the topic of "Criminal Law." The print version will arrive in your mailboxes soon. Check out the online publication now, featuring the following articles related to the Criminal Law theme:
The New Second Amendment Frontier: Litigating the Constitutionality of Firearm Offenses Under Bruen's Text-and-History Standard
By John D. Russell, Andrew J. Hofland and Justin A. Lollman
Defending Juveniles in Federal Court: An Overview of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act
By Chance Cammack
To Be 'Lesser Related' or Not To Be, That is the Question – An Exploration of the 'Lesser Related' Crimes Doctrine
By Caleb A. Harlin
When in Doubt, File a Claim: Administrative vs. Judicial Federal Forfeitures
By Spencer T. Habluetzel
"As we come out of the COVID years, it seems to some of us that many members of our profession are slow to get back into a crowded room. I can certainly understand that feeling. I still wear a mask to help protect family members. But we are blessed with the ability to be an active member of a committee and never leave the confines of our home or office. What an amazing advantage that has become.
Last year the Solo & Small Firm Conference was one of the best-attended conferences in a long time. People are tired of not seeing people face-to-face. One has to wonder, will the in-person meeting make a comeback? One can only hope.
Most people I talk to at the end of their service on a committee tell me that they got much more out of the committee work than they put into the service. These lawyers have been able to meet many other lawyers with whom they remain friends. They also found many great opportunities arise out of their work on a committee. These are things that are almost certain to happen."
"As of this writing, it is two weeks into the First Regular Session of the 59th Legislature, and your Legislative Monitoring Committee is hard at work keeping an eye on legislation that may be of interest to Oklahoma’s attorneys. If you were unable to attend the 2023 Legislative Kickoff in person, you haven’t missed out completely! An online video replay of the program is available online, and viewing it can earn you some CLE credit, too! ...
The next major event for this committee is OBA Day At the Capitol, which is scheduled for Tuesday, March 21, beginning at the Oklahoma Bar Center in Oklahoma City. We will hear from several speakers regarding the progress of the session. Following a networking lunch, we will walk across the street to the Capitol building to meet with legislators and introduce ourselves as resources in specific subject matter areas."
Featured CLE
By Jim Calloway, OBA Management Assistance Program Director
Another major security breach has made the news. Ars Technica reports, "GoDaddy says a multi-year breach hijacked customer websites and accounts." The report notes the “most recent event occurred last December when the threat actor gained access to the cPanel hosting servers customers use to manage websites hosted by GoDaddy. The threat actor then installed malware on the servers that 'intermittently redirected random customer websites to malicious sites.'”
First, if you have a GoDaddy or your site is managed by GoDaddy’s Managed WordPress service, it is time to consider changing your passwords. Changing a password on these services first involves a password change that will disable some other linked functions.
Second, if you have a website developer or contractor who updates your site frequently, it may be appropriate that they retain your password. But the law firm needs to have a record of the password as well. An independent contractor who does a web project should understand that the firm will change the password upon completion. It is simple to share again (not by email) if more work is required.
GoDaddy is a web hosting service that also does domain name registration. They notify you when your domain name needs to be renewed. Despite the recent problem, that is still appropriate. But if you are working with a smaller company that registers your domain name, it is best to have the law firm email and other information designated for domain name renewal notices. You don’t want to be the firm that learns they forgot to renew their domain name registration when someone else is now using it.
The Oklahoma Bar Journal is a publication of the Oklahoma Bar Association. All rights reserved. Copyright© 2023 Oklahoma Bar Association. Statements or opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Oklahoma Bar Association, its officers, Board of Governors, Board of Editors or staff. Although advertising copy is reviewed, no endorsement of any product or service offered by any advertisement is intended or implied by publication. Advertisers are solely responsible for the content of their ads, and the OBA reserves the right to edit or reject any advertising copy for any reason. Legal articles carried in The Oklahoma Bar Journal are selected by the Board of Editors. Information about submissions can be found at www.okbar.org.